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OK - Truck traffic bans in Europe

Traffic bans for trucks in Europe


Road hauliers can apply for an exemption from the driving ban in France

June 6 marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

In view of the planned celebrations, the authorities of the Calvados department have decided to set up a Regulated Traffic Zone (zone de circulation régulée - ZCR), which will extend to the north and west of Caen, from the RN13 to the sea.

The zone will only be activated on 6 June, from 6am until 8pm.
Vehicles that have to enter the zone can only do that if they have a special sticker. You can apply for a ZCR sticker by e-mail by sending your request to:

An application for a derogation from the driving ban for vehicles with a GVW of more than 7.5 tonnes

A map of the Regulated Traffic Zone (ZCR) and information about ZCR stickers

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