Changes on the Paris ring road, A1 and A13 – a special lane and an HGV driving ban

Since March 3, a a special lane has been added to the Paris ring road and sections of the A1 and A13 motorways. The lane is designated for vehicles with at least two people on board, for public transport and taxis ad cannot be used by vehicles with a GVW over 3.5 t transporting good.
Where and when does the new lane apply?
Since March 3, 2025, the left lane of a section of the Paris ring road and a section of the A1 and A13 motorways has been designated for public transport and mass transport vehicles. Initially, the lane is located along the section between quai d’Issy and porte de Bercy, which runs through the northern part of Paris (in both directions). In the next phase, this traffic organisation will be extended to the entire ring road. The use of the left lane on selected routes is a pilot project. The first evaluation of its effectiveness will take place in September and December 2025, and then in March 2026.The left lane designated for public transport and mass transport is activated from Monday to Friday during the following hours (with the exception of weekends and public holidays):
➡️ 7:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
➡️ 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
During these periods, the lane can only be used by:
➡️ vehicles with at least 2 people on board.
➡️ Public transport (buses, coaches and vehicles transporting children to school).
➡️ Taxis.
➡️ VTC vehicles (carrying at least one customer).
➡️ Emergency and security service vehicles, including private ambulances.
➡️ Motorcycles and scooters (when driving between lanes or with a passenger).
➡️ Vehicles of disabled people if their users have a mobility card (CMI) or a European parking card. In this case, prior registration in the Handi’Stat system is necessary to avoid a fine.
Vehicles with a GVW over 3.5 t carrying goods are NOT allowed to use this lane when this traffic organisation is in effect.